Management & Organisation - News

For years now, many concepts, models, mothodologies, principles have been created to help managers in working in an efficient ways with employees or partners in business. Some of them are linked to the work organisation : organigramme, process, governance, roles. 
- Process based
- Project based
- Business Unit
- Mattrix 
- Shared Services
- Center of expertise

Others are related to the psychology of individuals to deal with conflict management, change management, issues management, improvement of collaboration and performance of individuals.
- Neuro- linguistic programming (NLP)Programmation Neuro Linguistique (PNL)
- Transactional analysis
- Systemic analysis
- Process Com (PCM)
- ...

All these concepts bring helps to employees, managers, CEOs to better understand organisational issues and find solution for the benefit of people and the company. Knowing them and having the capabilities to use them are however a challenge when you are very busy dealing with your day to day work. 

New management concepts appear to cope with all changes. New way of collaboration with more agility inside the company with partners, with independant consultants are developped. For futher information, please follow the blog herebelow. 

14 01 2015 The book "It's not Luck" and the Thinking Process - Goldrath

The book "It's not luck" tells a interesting business story where the managers are facing impossible situations. This book gives a pretty good insight on the way business can be managed, how to be build-up a breakthrough strategy how to motivate management teams, how to reevaluate your market product and service. Sometimes, the tips appear quite obvious. However, combined alltogether, applied on the case, it sound quite powerful. The challenge remains then to apply it in your day to day work.  
This boo illustre the 'Theory of Constraints' called as well 'Thinking process' created by E. M . Golrath.  Different tools (Current Reality Tree, Evaporating Cloud, Future Reality Tree, Negative Branch, Transition Tree...) are proposed to go through issues or blocking situations. You can find further detailed information on :    

01 12 2014 holacracy

"Holacracy is a comprehensive practice for structuring, governing, and running an organization. It replaces today’s top-down predict-and-control paradigm with a new way of achieving control by distributing power. It is a new “operating system” that instills rapid evolution in the core processes of an organization." - HOLACRACY, a Purposeful organisation through social technology

24 11 2014 Solution driven management. 

This is a a way of managing issues and finding solutions. Instead of focusing stakeoholders' attention to the roadblocks to reach a personal or a company goal, the solution driven methohology aims at putting attention on the goal itself and 'just' thinking on ways to reach it. Looking too much at the roadblocks, tends to overestimate it and increase risk to fail. Currently, companies are too much problems oriented creating more stress, anxiety, demotivation of employees.

The methodology opens the minds to find creative and powerful solutions by focusing on strengths of individuals or groups and puts everybody on a positive spirit that the goal is achievable. However, roadblocks still exist and must be considered as a side information to be managed. For more information please click here (french info)